Map Checklist:
1. Map title and
year of data
2. Legend title
that is informative (not “Legend”)
3. In legend,
darkest color is with the highest values and at the top.
4. Data classification
method should be at the bottom of the legend.
5. If it is a
state map, state abbreviations are needed within each state, visually centered or
use leader lines with consistent angles
6. Alaska and
Hawaii next to each other below SW United States
7. Blank space on
the left and right sides of the map should be minimal
8. “Map by *Your Name*”
in a bottom corner
9. Source in a
bottom corner, if known
Drop Shadow
Use a color
scheme from Color Brewer.
Background colors
should create contrast and help the map stand out.
Use layers:
legend, title/name/source, background/border, US48, Alaska, and Hawaii layers